New Sony MA900 Cell Sorter for Operator-Free Cell Sorting
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New Sony MA900 Cell Sorter for Operator-Free Cell Sorting

Our new cell sorter is now fully installed and ready to use. It is an easy-to-use instrument, equipped with 4 excitation lasers and it can measure up to 14 parameters. It provides: 4-way sorting, bulk and single cell sorting, 1,5mL Eppies, 5mL FACS tubes, 15mL Falcon tubes, 30ml tubes, 96 well plates, 384 well plates,…

How AI could be used to educate ;-)
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How AI could be used to educate ;-)

When you ask ChatGPT to write a children’s story about flow cytometry this happens. Isn’t it brilliant? #ai#chatgpt#flowcytometry#artificialintelligence Once upon a time, there was a little cell named Celeste. Celeste was a special cell because she was part of a big experiment. Scientists wanted to learn more about Celeste and all of her friends, so…

A comprehensive overview over all new devices of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility.
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A comprehensive overview over all new devices of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility.

In 2018 the Flow Cytometry Core Facility was able to acquire five new instruments.

A FACSAria Fusion cell sorter, a second LSRFortessa cell analyzer and an ImageStream  image cytometer were granted by the DFG through a large device application. (“Forschungsgroßgeräte” nach Art.91b GG)

Special thanks goes to the excellence cluster “ImmunoSensation”and to the SFB TR57 .  A FACSMelody cell sorter and a Attune NXT flow cytometer could be purchased by their help. Furthermore, we could upgrade the Image Stream shortly after it was delivered, since we found out, that one of the planned experiments would require up to 20 hours of measurement time. This is definitely a job for an autosampler.

Seminar: Full-Spectrum Flow Cytometry 15th January 2019, 10:00-12:00
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Seminar: Full-Spectrum Flow Cytometry 15th January 2019, 10:00-12:00

What is spectral flow cytometry? In contrast with conventional flow cytometry that detects the emission peak of fluorochromes by the use of optical filters, spectral flow cytometry distinguishes the shapes of emission spectra along a large range of continuous wave lengths. The data is analyzed with an algorithm that replaces compensation matrices and treats auto-fluorescence…