Dear Users,

since 2020 is coming to an end we´ld like to thank you for your trust and understanding during those special times. We hope that our restrictions didn´t hinder your measurements too much, and that our service didn´t suffer. Besides that we need to announce a few important things:

1. There will be no support during the last week of December (28. -31.12.), nevertheless all analysers will still be available to you. Just make sure that you
    can enter the building (old keycards and transponders can be renewed by Mr. Mentzner, Tel.: 15112). 

2. As you might already know, we will finally move to the basement floor of the BMZ II in January. Here´s how this will affect our service and machines:

    04.-08.01.2021: Limited support, no sorting appointments, analysers available as usual
    11.-15.01.2021: No support, no sorting appointments, no analyser available
    18.-22.01.2021: Full support, sorters and analysers available (Please take in consideration that this is just a presumption, if no errors occur during the
                                movement. If you have really important measurements to run, we recommend to perform them in the following week.)

3. The database backup will be performed in the third week of January (11.-15.01.2020). Please take care of your data beforehand.

With that being said, have a stressfree holiday season – we are looking forward to a fresh new year in our new environment!

the Core Staff

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