Your Acknowledgement matters. An acknowledgement in your publication is more than just a nice way to say Thank you.

It helps us to maintain operations. Showing to be part of the scientific community is one of the important measures to maintain funding and investments for core facilities.

It is about people in science too. The core facility personnel may have contributed significantly to your research project. Authorship may also be appropiate.

In accordance with the DFG recommendations we ask you to use the following phrase in an acknowledgment section, whenever you got support from a core facility or simply used their instrumentation:

“We would like to thank the … Core Facility of the Medical Faculty at the University of Bonn for providing support and instrumentation funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Projektnummer(n) …”

For the core facilities that are based on major instrumentation grants from the DFG like Microscopy, Flow Cytometry and Mass Spectrometry there are project numbers available. You will find them in the table below.

Services from the other core facilities should also be acknowledged in the proposed way, even if there is no explicit project number present.

Agricultural FacultyProjectnumber
Climate ChambersPoly Klima GmbH445553341
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Campus Poppelsdorf
Cell SorterBD FACS Aria III144734146
AnalyserBD LSR II144754062
AnalyserBD FACS Symphony341039622
Medical Faculty
Microscopy Core Facility
Wide-field microscopeZeiss Observer.Z113123509
Slide ScannerZeiss Axio Scan.Z1388168919
High-content screening microscopeZeiss CellDiscoverer 7388158066
Confocal microscopeLeica SP5 AOBS with SMD169331223
Confocal microscopeLeica SP8 AOTF266686698
Spinning Disk MicroscopeVisiScope CSU-W1 with VS-Homogenizer388169927
Confocal microscopeLeica SP8 AOBS super-resolution388159768
Scanning electron microscopeZeiss Crossbeam 550388171357
Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Venusberg Campus
Cell SorterBD FACS Aria Fusion387333827
Cell SorterBD FACS Aria III216372545
AnalyserBD LSRFortessa I216372401
AnalyserBD LSRFortessa II387335189
AnalyserSony ID7000 (5Laser)471514137
AnalyserSony ID7000 (7Laser)01EO2107 (BMBF)
Imaging CytometerImageStream X MarkII389568007
Mass Spectrometry
Mass SpectrometerThermo Orbitrap Fusion Lumos386936527
Mass SpectrometerThermo Orbitrap Velos174793735

For those who want to read into the details see DFG-Vordruck 2.00 – 01/21, Verwendungsrichtlinien.

Projektergebnisse, die aus mit DFG Mitteln finanzierten Projekten resultieren, müssen in geeigneter Art … einen Hinweis auf die DFG-Förderung (sog. „Funding Acknowledgement“) … enthalten…(Abschnitt 13.1)