Article in “Forschung&Lehre” about Core Facilities

Article in “Forschung&Lehre” about Core Facilities

as you can already see from our Handbook, there are two questions we get asked frequently: What is a Core Facilitity and what is it good for? By coincidence, the Journal “Forschung&Lehre” asked themselves in the October issue of their journal, how “Forschungswerkzeuge” or Research Infrastructures support science. We provided them an article on how…

Immune cells in the brain share the work
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Immune cells in the brain share the work

This cooperation is impaired in mutations that can cause Parkinson’s disease To break down toxic proteins more quickly, immune cells in the brain can join together to form networks when needed. This is shown by a joint study of the University of Bonn, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Institut François Jacob…

BCL11A: Evidence for neuroprotective effect
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BCL11A: Evidence for neuroprotective effect

Researchers at the University of Bonn investigate the role of the transcription factor for dopamine-producing neurons The neurotransmitter dopamine influences the activity of a wide variety of brain areas. A deficiency of this substance can have drastic consequences: The death of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the substantia nigra – a particularly sensitive part of the…

Gene plays major role in brain development

Gene plays major role in brain development

Study by the University of Bonn shows that mutations of the investigated gene manifest in different patterns of inheritance The so-called Plexin-A1 gene seems to play a more extensive role in brain development than previously assumed. This is shown by a current study led by the University Hospital Bonn and the Institute of Anatomy of…

Molecule attacks coronavirus in a novel way

Molecule attacks coronavirus in a novel way

Active ingredient inhibits infection with so-called pseudoviruses in the test tube, as shown by study at the University of Bonn Scientists at the University of Bonn and the caesar research center have isolated a molecule that might open new avenues in the fight against SARS coronavirus 2. The active ingredient binds to the spike protein…

New promising antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
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New promising antibodies against SARS-CoV-2

Study in Science: Combination of two molecules simultaneously attacks multiple sites on the surface of the virus An international research team led by the University of Bonn has identified and further developed novel antibody fragments against the SARS coronavirus-2. These “nanobodies” are much smaller than the classic antibodies used to treat US President Donald Trump,…

Restricted Services in the Core Facilities (November Update)

Restricted Services in the Core Facilities (November Update)

Dear colleagues, dear users of the Core Facilities, all of us are aware of the restrictions in our public life that were set up to fight the current challenges of the corona pandemic. And it is time to remind you of the restrictions that we already set up for the core facilities during the first…

Restricted Services in the Core Facilities

Restricted Services in the Core Facilities

Dear users of the Core Facilities, Dear Colleagues, core facilites are a place to share instrumentation, spread information and support scienctists. People have to meet. But in order to fulfill  our part in reducing the impact and spread of the novel coronavirus, the core facilities have taken some definite decisions to reduce service and the…

Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

The European Journal of Immunology has published the second edition of the very comprehensive guide to flow cytometry  and cell sorting in immunological studies. And we contributed to that edition. Here is the information from the abstract: “These guidelines are a consensus work of a considerable number of members of the immunology and flow cytometry…

A comprehensive overview of all new devices of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility

A comprehensive overview of all new devices of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility

In 2018 the Flow Cytometry Core Facility was able to acquire five new instruments. A FACSAria Fusion cell sorter, a second LSRFortessa cell analyzer and an ImageStream  image cytometer were granted by the DFG through a large device application. (“Forschungsgroßgeräte” nach Art.91b GG) Special thanks goes to the excellence cluster “ImmunoSensation”and to the SFB TR57 .  A…