Possible cause of male infertility
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Possible cause of male infertility

Mature spermatozoa are characterized by an head, midpiece and a long tail for locomotion. Now, researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the Transdisciplinary Research Area “Life & Health” at the University of Bonn have found that a loss of the structural protein ACTL7B blocks spermatogenesis in male mice. The cells…

How neurons regulate their excitability autonomously
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How neurons regulate their excitability autonomously

Study by the University of Bonn elucidates important mechanism in the brain Nerve cells can regulate their sensitivity to incoming signals autonomously. A new study led by the University of Bonn has now discovered a mechanism that does just that. The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology…

Control hub for skin inflammation discovered
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Control hub for skin inflammation discovered

Study by the University of Bonn identifies new signaling pathway to combat UV damage and infections Inflammatory reactions in the skin can reduce damage from UV radiation or infections, but can also result in painful symptoms such as sunburn. A recent study at the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn has now identified…

A cAMP signalosome in primary cilia drives gene expression and kidney cyst formation
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A cAMP signalosome in primary cilia drives gene expression and kidney cyst formation

The primary cilium constitutes an organelle that orchestrates signal transduction independently from the cell body. Dysregulation of this intricate molecular architecture leads to severe human diseases, commonly referred to as ciliopathies. However, the molecular underpinnings how ciliary signaling orchestrates…

Enzyme prevents brain activity from getting out of control
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Enzyme prevents brain activity from getting out of control

Mechanism identified at University of Bonn alters the coupling of nerve cells The brain has the ability to modify the contacts between neurons. Among other things, that is how it prevents brain activity from getting out of control. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn, together with a team from Australia, have identified a mechanism that…

New approach against chronic inflammation
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New approach against chronic inflammation

Researchers at the Universities of Bonn and Sao Paulo have succeeded in mitigating chronic inflammation in mice using customized “mini-antibodies.” These nanobodies enabled them to dissolve molecular complexes in tissue that normally activate the immune system. The nanobodies produced may in future…

Stem cells organize themselves into embryoid
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Stem cells organize themselves into embryoid

Study of mice by the University of Bonn could enable alternative methods to animal experiments in the medium term Researchers at the University of Bonn have developed a method to generate embryo-like cell complexes from the stem cells of mice. The method provides new insights into embryonic development. In the medium term, it might also…