Theme Nights, Bonner Forum Biomedizin

Dear all,
we are happy to announce our new ThemeNight format. A format jointly organized by the Bonner Forum Biomedizin, the Bonn Technology Campus and the Postdoc-Orga team from the ImmunoSensation Cluster.
For those who do not know the Theme Nights yet, the series has and will present current topics in research and the corresponding central scientific services and state of the art instrumentation currently available in the Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty. Gene editing, cell programming, bioinformatics, next generation sequencing, mass spectrometry, microscopy, flow cytometry are some of the keywords.
The primary goal is to give students and scientists an overview of the range of technologies and methods offered on the campus. You might also receive advice, how to master specific experimental approaches and scientific challenges. Through the series, we also wish to establish relationships with colleagues from around the university for possible joint projects and exchange of ideas.
The seminars are free. A prior registration is necessary. For the full schedule of the seminars please visit the BFB web page or the calendar on this page.
We hope to see you soon.