Acknowledging and citing Core Facilities

Key contributions to data lifecycle should be recognised in the scientific literature

By providing technological services and expertise […] core facilities and their staff have a strong impact on the scientific performance and output of their host organisation.

In the absence of a high number of publications, particularly as lead or corresponding authors, acknowledgements are used as a measure of a core facility and its staff’s output and impact.

The acknowledgement of a core facility goes beyond professional courtesy…

Abstract: Core facilities are an integral part of the life science research landscape as providers of centralised access to technological resources and expertise – such as equipment, databases, materials and organism collections, and other research-sustaining resources. The centralised operational model, spanning both physical and virtual sites, allows core facilities to pool finances and invest in expensive technologies and skilled staff with relevant expertise. In contrast to large Research Infrastructures (RIs) supported at the regional, national or international level, core facilities are primarily supported by their host institution who serve. By providing technological services and expertise, and through their support of research and the training of scientists, core facilities and their staff have a strong impact on the scientific performance and output of their host organisation. Their contribution to scientific research and innovation must thus be accordingly recognised…

Participating institutions and funding:
The authors from the EU-LIFE Core Facilities Working Group ( acknowledge the support of EU-LIFE ( EU-LIFE is an alliance of research institutes whose mission is to support and strengthen European research excellence by acting as a voice for researchers and research institutions in European science policy and by promoting and sharing good institutional practices in scientific research and the research ecosystem across Europe. The commentary has received the endorsement of the Core for Life Network ( and by the France BioImaging Research Infrastructure (

Publication: K. Kivinen et. al.: Acknowledging and citing core facilities; EMBO Reports, DOI: 10.15252/embr.202255734

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