BioinfoConnect Seminar on 4/9/2024

Dear bioinformaticians & bioinformatics enthusiasts in Bonn,

We are pleased to invite you to the next BioinfoConnect Seminar on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, at 16:30 in room A010.EG.006 which is the Hörsaal in Lehrgebäude (A10) on the Venusberg Campus. Our seminar series aims to provide an opportunity to connect and exchange with bioinformaticians and others interested in bioinformatics.

This time, we are pleased to welcome Fabian Brand from HPC/A-Lab, IGSB, who will present his work on:

“Scalable methods for the detection of (de-novo) mutational patterns in whole genome sequencing data from large trio cohorts.”

Please sign up to our mailing list to receive updates on upcoming events: Sign Up Here

The BioinfoConnect initiative is a joined effort of Thomas Ulas and CUBA.

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