R and RNA-seq Courses in July 2024 (pre-registration is open)

We are offering a 4-days block course “Hands-on Introduction to R” followed by a 3-days block course “RNA-seq Data Analysis with R” in July 2024. The “RNA-seq Data Analysis with R” course requires basic knowlege of R or participation in our introductory R course.

You can find the forms for pre-registration on our intranet page.

The course „Hands-on Introduction to R“ aims to introduce the R programming language which is used in bioinformatics data analysis and for visualization. The course covers data types, data manipulation such as subsetting and merging, data import and export and visualizations. No prior knowledge of R or programming is assumed.

The course “RNA-seq Data Analysis with R” introduces R/Bioconductor tools like DESeq2 for normalisation, differential expression and visualisation and Rsubread for preprocessng.

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