Thermo Orbitrap Tribrid Fusion Lumos

The „Lumos“ is our flagship: A modern hybrid instrument that has a quadrupole, Orbitrap, and ion-trap mass analyzer. In combination with three different fragmentation methods (including electron transfer dissociation – ETD) it is one of the most versatile instruments available. All high throughput projects will benefit from its sensitivity and speed. Modern measurement modes are available: analyses of intact proteoforms, data-independent (DIA) and targeted techniques (PRM).
Thermo Orbitrap Velos

The Orbitrap Velos has two detectors: a fast low resolution linear ion trap and a high resolution, high accuracy Orbitrap detector which can be used in parallel. This instrument is a workhorse for proteome analyses and whenever high resolution is needed.
nanoLC systems

Three ultra-high performance liquid chromatographs for nanoflow (~300 nl/min) are used for coupling with mass spectrometers. These systems perform chromatographic separations very reproducibly and assure a stable delivery of analytes to the mass spectrometers. Columns are made in-house.
A variety of sample preparation devices can be used to handle larger sets of samples. If necessary protein complexity is reduced by various fractionation methods.
Advion Triversa Nanomate
A Nanomate nanospray robot can be used for automated delivery of small sample amounts for direct infusion on the Orbitrap Velos spectrometer.