We recommend to contact us and make an appointment to discuss possibilities and ideas to use zebrafish as a model organism in your research project as soon as possible, if you are interested.
Some steps of a common zebrafish research project might take some time and could be started and organized beforehand already. For example: planning and cloning of DNA vector constructs; getting desired mutant or transgenic fish lines in (as bleached eggs) from off site; writing applications for animal experiments or grant support money.
No access to the fish facility nor use of or help with the technical equipment of the zebrafish core facility can be allowed or provided without prior consultation with a researcher/technician in charge of the core facility itself. An obligatory registration form will be available as well soon. This is for registration before the use of the core facility services.
You will find us at the:
Institute of Anatomy
University of Bonn
Nussallee 10 (historical building in the back)
53115 Bonn, Germany
1st floor rooms O-06 and O-07