You want to establish a new mouse model with us? Please contact us via to arrange a first meeting where we can discuss your project ideas and figure out the method of choice for your needs. Of course, advice is provided free of charge.
If you decide on establishing your mouse model with us, we will develop a gene-editing strategy in close collaboration with you and afterwards send you an offer accordingly. After the offer was signed, we will set-up a short addition to the animal license together, which we will submit to the local authority to receive the permission to generate the requested mouse line. Usually the permission is granted within 2-5 weeks. In the meantime we will procure and test the CRISPR/Cas9 material as well as the template DNA (for knock-in or conditional knockout). Once the constructs are ready and the permission is granted, we will perform the zygote manipulations. Developing embryos will be transferred into pseudo-pregnant foster mice. After weaning of offspring, we will perform the genotyping and hopefully identify gene-edited positive founder animals. These animals can then be transferred to your animal facility for further breeding.

Transgenic Services
For transgenic services like cryopreservation or embryo transfer, we would ask you to fill in our transgenic form which we send you upon request at Please note, that for rederivation or embryo transfer of potentially burdened mouse lines, a small addition to the animal license has to be submitted to the local authorities. Only after permission is granted these lines can be transferred or revitalized.