Cell Analyser

Luminex GUAVA System
The Guava easyCyte flow cytometer combines microcapillary flow with a precision pump to provide accurate and precise absolute counts—without the use of reference beads. The system works without sheath fluidic and can therefore process small sample sizes, alos in a 96 well format.

The FACS Canto II has 2 laserlines 488 nm (blue) and 633 nm (red) and allows simultaneous measurements of 9 parameters (FSC, SSC and 7 fluorophores).

The BD LSR II has 3 laserlines 405 nm (violet), 488 nm (blue) and 633 nm (red) and allows simultaneous measurements of 17 parameters (FSC, SSC and 15 fluorophores).

FACS Symphony
The BD FACSymphony offers high-parameter single cell acquisition at high speed.
The high number of acquisition parameters and the high resolution make the FACSymphony the ideal instrument for the identification and analysis of rare cell types and in-depth or broad phenotyping of single cell events at high-throughput.
A High Throughput Sampler (HTS) for 96-well plates can be used for efficient high-throughput screening.
Cell sorter

Aria Cell Sorter
Learn The BD FACSAria cell sorter allow separation of cells in tubes and 96 or 384 well plates. It can sort up to 4 populations of interest simultaneously. And the sorter can do that in an aseptic enviroment. The fixed cuvette based optical alignement has simplified, the way cell sorting can be achieved and allows power users to be introduced to the machine and work on their own.

ADVIA Hematology System
The ADVIA 2120i Hematology System is a fully automated diagnostic instrument with a throughput of 120 samples per hour (CBC/diff). The analyzer uses whole blood samples to provide the following types of results:
• Complete blood counts (CBC)
• CBC plus white cell differential counts (CBC/diff)
• Reticulocyte absolute, percent and indices counts (retic)
• CBC/diff plus retic (CBC/diff/retic)
• CBC/retic

The xMAP INTELLIFLEX® is a compact, flow-based, multiplex platform that combines the proven performance of xMAP Technology with modern features to enhance performance, empower assay development innovation, and simplify your user experience. The platform combines low- and high-plex capabilities, quick time to reliable results, and the ability to simultaneously acquire data for two parameters per analyte

Automated multiplex staining system.
The Akoya automated staining system together with the Codex imaging device is ready for giving you every information you could possibly get from a stained tissue.