Spectral Flow Cytometry Seminar:  January, 22nd  @ Zoom

Spectral Flow Cytometry Seminar: January, 22nd @ Zoom

spectral flow cytometry basic principles Introduction to Spectral Flow Cytometry Differences between Conventional and Spectral Flow Cytometry Unmixing vs Compensation Enhanced Sensitivity Data Generation Acquisition Modes Master Settings Balancing Saturation Virtual Filter Autofluorescence Unmixing Autofluorescence Finder Panel Design Unmixing Viewer and Unmixing Adjuster Spectral Overlays Data Analysis Presenter: Andreas Dolf   Event registration:

Flow Cytometry Day 2024

Flow Cytometry Day 2024

All-day theoretical lectures on flow cytometry for beginners and advanced students. Invited speaker: Thomas Bauer-Jazayeri Program: 10.00 – 10.30             Introduction: Flow Cytometry Core Facility Bonn by Andreas Dolf Learn more about your Core Facility the Team and their expertise as well as about the available instrumentation and coupled analysis possibilities. 10.30 – 12.00             Flow Cytometry:…

New Sony Data Analysis Tool: SFA

New Sony Data Analysis Tool: SFA

A short introduction to the new cloud based data analysis tool from Sony for ID7000 data analysis. It shows dimensional reduction and clustering without doing a fcs export. Microsoft Teams-BesprechungNehmen Sie auf dem Computer, in der mobilen App oder im Raumgerät teilHier klicken, um an der Besprechung teilzunehmen<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTYyZjg4N2UtMjM4MC00MTBjLWI1ZWUtZmQwZjI3NGY4Mjk1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2266c65d8a-9158-4521-a2d8-664963db48e4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f265ec15-1bbf-4ac8-9c62-a7ea6b63fdd2%22%7d>Besprechungs-ID: 221 037 603 08Passcode: EWduLqTeams herunterladen<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> |…

Spectral Flow Cytometry Seminar,  October @ Zoom

Spectral Flow Cytometry Seminar, October @ Zoom

spectral flow cytometry basic principles Introduction to Spectral Flow Cytometry Differences between Conventional and Spectral Flow Cytometry Unmixing vs Compensation Enhanced Sensitivity Data Generation Acquisition Modes Master Settings Balancing Saturation Virtual Filter Autofluorescence Unmixing Autofluorescence Finder Panel Design Unmixing Viewer and Unmixing Adjuster Spectral Overlays Data Analysis Presenter: Andreas Dolf Event registration:

ID7000 Spectral User’s Meeting

ID7000 Spectral User’s Meeting

Join us at the first german ID7000™ Spectral Users’ Meeting featuring a group of distinguished speakerssharing their research utilizing spectral flow cytometry. The event will start with an introductionto the ID7000 system and highlight the latest updates that contribute to usability and deliver thehighest data quality. Hosted by:Andreas Dolf Flow Cytometry Core FacilityVenusberg-Campus 153127 Bonn…