Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.AboutSomebody please fill in a description.Have you used the services of the Core Facility Mass Spectrometry (Bonn) in the past?YesNoQuestions about your projectsHow many samples have you submitted to the Core Facility (approximately)?less than 1010 - 50more than 50Do you have experience with other mass spectrometry / proteomics facilities?YesNocomments welcomeQuestions about your experience with the Core FacilityPlease rate the communication with the Core Facility staff:Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 51 - poor ... 5 - excellentcomments welcomecomments welcomecomments welcomecomments welcomecomments welcomecomments welcomeWhat was the reason for not using the Core Facility?I was not aware of the Core Facility Mass Spectrometry in Bonn.I did not need it.I use other core facilities for proteomics.I have other collaborations for proteomics.other(please check all that apply)please explainFor previous and potential users:What kind of proteomics methods have you used or would you like to use?(please check all that apply)Routine methods of the Core FacilityIdentification / Quantification of unknown proteins in solutionIdentification / Quantification of unknown proteins from SDS-PA gelsIdentification of interacting proteinsProteomes of isolated organellesQuantification of known proteins (targeted measurements)Analysis of post-translational modificationsWhich ones?Methods for potential collaborative projectsCharacterization of intact proteins (mass, modifications)Absolute quantification of proteinsStructural characterizations (e.g. by cross-linking)In-vivo protein-protein interactions (BioID, APEX)Cell-type specific proteomics (biotin-based enrichment)Protein turnover measurementsMHC-bound peptidesother methods (not offered at the Core Facility at the moment)Tissue imaging of small molecules, peptides or proteinsSingle-cell proteomicsotherWhich ones?Any other comments or suggestions?If you would like to get feedback please leave your email address:Submit