Regional Sorter-User Meeting
Join us for an interactive exchange with fellow sorter users in your region and meet BD experts. We will
cover topics around news in sorting, software, fluorochromes and more.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
12:15 – 13:00 h Arrival and Welcome
13:00 – 16:30 h Introduction, Talks and Discussions
Overview Core Facility at University Clinic Bonn, first
experiences and impressions BD FACSDiscoverTM S8
Andreas Dolf, Flow Cytometry Core Facility Bonn
Update on BD FACSDiscover TM S8 Cell Sorter and A8
Cell Analyzer: Roadmap for BD FACSChorusTM Software
Dr. Uwe Speck, BD Life Sciences – Biosciences,
Application Specialist Sorter/Technical Consulting
News on BD FACSAriaTM Cell Sorter and
BD FACSymphony TM S6 Cell Sorter:
More colors and dyes: Why do we need them,
what can we expect?
Tips & Tricks & discussions
from 17:00 h joint dinner and individual departure