Q: How much do I need to pay for your service?

A: We offer standardized workflows. Please contact us to calculate project-specific quotes.

Q: I’ve never conducted an LC-MS experiment before. What kind of prior knowledge is required?

A: We can offer you our expertise and support for your project, which includes experimental design tailored to optimally support your goals. You don’t need to have a deep understanding of proteomics beforehand, as we will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary knowledge

Q: How much sample is required for LC-MS analysis?

A: The required amount of sample for proteomic analyses depends on the sample preparation approach and the type of analysis planned. For a label-free quantitative proteomics experiment, a minimum of 20 µg of total protein per sample is recommended. This amount corresponds to approximately 300,000 cells. We do offer protocols for smaller sample amounts but it may result in a reduced number of protein identifications. For a phosphoproteomic analysis, we suggest a minimum of 500 µg total protein per sample. While smaller input is possible as well, it may lead to a decreased identification of phosphopeptides.

Q: How can I properly prepare my samples for LC-MS analysis?

A: The approach for preparing and handling samples depends on the type of sample and the research question. It’s important to note that we only accept projects that have been discussed with us in advance. This ensures that we can provide you with the appropriate guidance on how to optimally prepare, store, and transfer your samples.

Q: How can samples be submitted and registered in the Core Facility?

A: To ensure that your samples are processed accurately, we require you to fill out a sample submission sheet. Once we have discussed your project, we will provide you with the sheet or you can directly download it from our website. After filling it out, kindly send it back to us (kallabis@uni-bonn.de). The information provided on the submission sheet enables us to track your samples, select the best sample processing workflow, and carry out subsequent analysis.

Q: Where should the samples be delivered?

A: You have the option to either drop off your samples at our laboratory or mail them to us using the address provided below:

Dr. Sebastian Kallabis
BMZ 2 / Institute of Innate Immunity
University Hospital Bonn
Venusberg – Campus 1 
53127 Bonn Germany

If you plan to bring your samples to our laboratory directly, we kindly ask you to make an appointment with us in advance. Additionally, please ensure that your samples are stored and transported under appropriate conditions, for example, using dry ice.

If you plan to ship your samples to our laboratory please ship them only on Monday or Tuesday to ensure the arrival of your samples until Friday. Please inform us once you initiated the shipping.

Q: How long will it take until I get my results?

A: The processing and analysis of samples at the Core Facility depend on the availability of instruments and the current sample load. Samples are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. For a standard project, the workflow from submission to evaluated data usually takes around 4 to 6 weeks.

Q: How long will you store my data files?

A: We store all acquired raw data and evaluation results on our servers for a minimum of 5 years. A backup of your data for long-term storage is planned.