Roadshow: NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer
Join our OLS Seminar and Hands-On Demo at the UKB, Bonn
Discover the new NovoCyte Opteon spectral flow cytometer from Agilent Technologies, featuring five lasers, 70 fluorescence detectors, 7.2 decades of dynamic range, automatic startup/shutdown routines, and an automation-ready loader.
We kick off on Thursday, January 16th, with an introductory talk on the NovoCyte Opteon at 09 AM.
Venue: (Talk) Lehrgebäude Room: A010.2.09
From 1:00 PM, you’ll have the chance to explore the device in detail and test it with your own samples.
The instrument will remain available for hands-on testing until its deinstallation on Friday afternoon, allowing you to try it out throughout the week.
Date: Thursday, Jan 16th, 09:00 AM to Friday Jan 17th, 04:00 PM 2025
Venue: (Demo)
Flow Cytometry Core Facility
Venusberg-Campus 1, BMZ II (Building 12) BSMT
Register and connect for more information: